

Immunizations in Mount Airy, Philadelphia, PA

There has been a great deal of controversy about immunizations. Rather than listening to the chatter, we want you to receive accurate, relevant information about vaccinations provided by governing organizations in the health arena, such as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). At Mt. Airy Pediatrics, serving Mount Airy, Philadelphia, PA, and the surrounding region, Dr. Marcie Macolino will give you just that, along with expert advice and no judgment.

Purpose of Vaccinations 

We'd like to take a moment to educate you about the purpose of immunizations. A vaccination will essentially train your child’s body to be prepared in the event they ever come in contact with that particular microbe. If they ever have exposure, their body will fight off the invader, and they typically will have no to only mild symptoms of the illness. The vaccine also reduces the chances of long-term complications from the infection, like paralysis and blindness, and the most serious potential outcome - death.
Your child will miss fewer days of school and activities because of illness. And if you have anyone immunocompromised who lives with you or you see frequently, your child will be less likely to pass the disease to them. 

Ones We Offer

At our office in Mount Airy, Philadelphia, PA, we offer all the basic vaccinations on the schedule, such as measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), and inactive polio. We can also provide ones not on the schedule but can help ward off infections that could be serious to your little one, including influenza and COVID.

Let Us Educate

We understand there's a lot of dispute surrounding vaccinations, and it can be hard to make an informed decision in this day and age. At our office, we want to provide you with adequate patient education about illnesses, vaccines, their potential side effects, and other useful information to help you make a decision best for your child's health.
Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We'll provide you with answers backed by experts in infectious disease control, and we can guide you to sources for accurate information.

Remaining Compliant for School and Activities

Besides protecting your child, immunizations keep your child eligible for activities that may require up-to-date vaccinations. In the state of Pennsylvania, unless you have a religious or medical exemption, children must remain up to date with vaccinations to attend school, which is applicable for homeschool and cyberschool as well as public and private.

At Mt. Airy Pediatrics, serving Mount Airy, Philadelphia, PA, and the neighboring communities, we want to see your child remain healthy, just as you do. Part of that may consist of routine immunizations to prevent certain illnesses. 

Call 215-247-2996t today.

Mt. Airy Pediatrics, P.C.

6673 Germantown Ave,
Philadelphia, PA 19119

Office Hours


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm



